Valid for one per day for designated vehicle only.
Unlimited pass sticker must be placed by Personal Touch Car Washes on registered vehicles inside front lower driver’s side windshield with the number facing out.
Unlimited pass sticker cannot be placed behind tinted windshield glass or any other product that limits or restricts viewing of the sticker by Personal Touch Car Washes attendant. Vehicles with tinted front windshields may not be eligible for program.
Valid credit card required to participate in program. Monthly program fee will be automatically charged to customer’s visa, master card, American Express or discover credit card each month.
The first charge to the customer will be on the date customer joins and recurring charges will be charged on the anniversary date each month thereafter.
In the event that the customer wishes to cancel program, cancellation must be received in the form of written notification by fax to 203-437-8123 or by email to [email protected]. If participation is canceled mid-month, there will be no refund for remaining month(s). Please provide at least ten (10) working days before your billing date for cancellation of program to take effect. Cancellation is complete after customer receives an email notification from Personal Touch Car Washes car wash.
There are no partial month(s) refunds.
It is the customer’s full and sole responsibility to contact Personal Touch Car Washes and give notification about any changes of contact or billing information including address, email or credit/debit card information. Contact Personal Touch Car Washes customer service department at 203-437-8123 ext 0, ask for unlimited services or email [email protected].
In the event Personal Touch Car Washes is unable to charge a customer’s credit /debit card due to an expiration date on the credit/debit or other change in information, then the customer’s participation in the program will be suspended and his/her pass de-activated five (5) days after recharge date.
Replacement sticker: customer must notify Personal Touch Car Washes if registered vehicle’s sticker becomes damaged, is no longer visible,vehicle is sold, or windshield is replaced. Customer’s exclusive identification number will be deactivated and a new number will be issued. Sticker will reflect new customer number. Contact Personal Touch Car Washes customer service for replacement sticker at 203-437-8123 or [email protected]. Important – replacement stickers are not a available at Personal Touch Car Washes locations.
Vehicles must conform to Personal Touch Car Washes standards. Modifications outside of Personal Touch Car Washes standards to existing customer’s vehicle may require program termination. Please see location manager for confirmation that vehicle meets standards.
Stickers remain the exclusive property of Personal Touch Car Washes and must be surrendered upon request. In the event that windshield sticker is tampered with or the program is used in any way inconsistent with its terms and condition, the program will be immediately voided and all monies will be forfeited.
Customer is allowed to upgrade their “unlimited pass” wash to a special service or package wash, by paying the difference between the “unlimited pass” wash and the special services or package requested.
To upgrade an unlimited package stop by any express location and fill out an unlimited club change form.
No other coupons or special offers may be combined with the unlimited pass at any time.
Pricing is subject to change at any time without notice.
Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
Personal Touch Car Washes reserves the right to terminate any unlimited pass at anytime without notice.
Unlimited pass is not available for taxis, limos or other fleet accounts.
No refunds for days that we close early or do not open due to weather or equipment maintenance.